5 Minute Body Scan Meditation (Audio)

Last week's meditation used the breath to help rediscover our mind's calm, pure nature. I also shared a technique where we imagine using the breath to breathe out distracting emotions or thoughts like black smoke.

We will build upon that breath and black smoke technique in this meditation.

In this week's meditation, we will focus on the sensations we find in our bodies. When we discover a bit of tightness, uneasiness, or maybe even pain, we're going to breathe into that discomfort and then imagine exhaling it out as black smoke. 

This type of meditation is called a body scan, and it's one of my favorites to relax the entire body. I hope you enjoy it!

After listening, please feel free to offer feedback by dropping a line in the comments or email me. All feedback is welcome and will only help me to create better content.


Charles has over twenty-five years of lived experience managing anxiety and major depression. Various mental health podcasts and publications have shared his story. Charles is a featured author on The Good Men Project.

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