Why Does Depression Make You Tired And What to Do About It

Written by Charles MinguezPodcast


Episode Transcript

You've slept for four hours but drank four cups of coffee, yet you're still walking around with your eyes half-opened. Maybe you're wondering, does depression make you tired? In fact, the only thing that makes you smile is thinking about crawling back into the warmth of your blankets.

In the meantime, the kids need your attention. There's a full day of work ahead, along with taking care of the house. And you need to not be a zombie.

But is this depression? Maybe it's fatigue? Knowing the difference can empower you to get better sleep, feel like you have more energy, and inspire you to get out of bed.

Is Fatigue a Side Effect of Depression?

To get better sleep, you should understand if you're tired because of depression or fatigue. What is the difference between depression and fatigue?

The biggest giveaway your exhaustion is caused by depression is that you don't want to do anything. I mean nothing. You don't want to engage with family or friends. Often your hygiene goes unattended. Honestly, you might not be very pleasant to be around.

On the other hand, if you're tired and a good night's sleep helps you to feel better the next day, there's a good chance you're experiencing fatigue. When you're tired, you can still engage in life and participate in your daily activities.

does depression make you tired

Ok, So Why Do I Feel So Tired All the Time?

There can be many reasons why depression makes you tired, but here are four contributing factors that jump to the top of the list.

Neurotransmitters: depression impacts the neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters regulate activities like sleep, appetite, motivation, and pleasure. 

Sleep Patterns: people with depression have odd sleeping patterns. You may have trouble falling asleep. Then because you are not feeling restful in the morning, you may sleep during the day. Or you might sleep for twelve hours or more. 

Medications: it's unfortunate, but many depression medications can make you feel tired as a side effect.  

Lifestyle: if you're already experiencing issues with sleep due to depression and have additional stressors in your life, you will feel completely exhausted. It might be time to ask for help managing minor details in your life, so you can tackle the health-related information. 

does depression make you tired

Want to Know How to Sleep With Depression? You Need a Plan

Does depression make you tired? Yes, but it doesn't mean you can't fight back. You just need a plan - have a schedule, make your bedroom a 'no-screen' zone, and incorporate a morning routine.

If you can, you will want to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time in the morning. This will begin to train your body and mind getting them both synched and back into a natural sleep rhythm.

Speaking of natural sleep rhythms, make your bedroom a 'no-screen' zone. This means no phones, laptops, iPads, or tablets. The blue light emitted from these devices can interrupt your natural sleep cycle. Not only will the blue light interrupt your sleep, but if these devices are in your room, you will be more apt to reach for them.

Lastly, begin to incorporate a morning routine. Starting your day with brisk exercise or stretching can help you sleep better at night. 

does depression make you tired

These Lifestyle Changes Will Help You Get Better Sleep

There has been a lot of research connecting the brain and the gut. With 95% of your serotonin produced in your gut, there's no surprise that your overall health will increase if you change your diet.

The standard western diet is filled with ingredients like bleached flours and processed sugars that strip away the good bacteria in your gut. This harms the gut/brain connection, so you'll want to limit foods with those ingredients.

You should also consider reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption and not drinking any of these beverages before bed.

does depression make you tired

When Should You Talk to Your Doctor?

Lack of sleep will cause significant disruptions to your daily life. Those who don't get enough sleep can have difficulty concentrating, and long-term lack of sleep has been linked to poor heart health.

If you have created your plan with a sleep schedule, have made lifestyle changes, and you're still experiencing poor quality of life due to lack of sleep, you should talk with your doctor.

There are other medical conditions, outside of depression, that can create issues with sleep. Some of these conditions include anemia, sleep apnea, and thyroid issues. You will want to address these with your doctor.

does depression make you tired

Commit to Getting Better Sleep No Matter the Depression

Yes, depression does make you tired. But now you know how to move forward. Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and not having to drink all that coffee to keep you awake. Picture what it would be like to hang out with your kids and not feel like a zombie!

I want to encourage you to create your sleeping plan. Make sure to schedule a bedtime and a morning routine. Commit to making your bedroom a 'no-screen' zone. Then, take it a step further by making small lifestyle changes.

All of these steps may seem like a lot, and it's because it is, but it's well worth the effort. When you begin to experience better sleep, the entire health of your body, mind, and spirit will improve.


Charles has over twenty-five years of lived experience managing anxiety and major depression. Various mental health podcasts and publications have shared his story. Charles is a featured author on The Good Men Project.

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