The Depression Files Podcast

The Depression Files Podcast

First Time Sharing My Story

One of the first interviews I did was with The Depression Files podcast way back in 2018. It was nerve-wracking yet super exciting. Here I was about to open up on a podcast to a stranger, and then he would share it with thousands of listeners. Even though I was super nervous, I'm glad that I did it!

Getting Comfortable In Our Skin

Doing this podcast interview was a big step for me and important for two reasons.

First, I wanted to get more comfortable in my skin. A big part of Making Friends With Depression is being vulnerable. We have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Second, sharing our stories allows others to feel comfortable sharing their stories. The more we have open communication around vulnerable emotions, the more we can learn from one another.

What's Your Story?

After listening to my story, it's my goal that you can begin taking steps towards feeling a bit more comfortable being uncomfortable.

This phrase 'get comfortable being uncomfortable' doesn't mean pretending the emotions and feelings are not there. Also, it doesn't mean putting up a wall and powering through the difficulties. It means sitting with these feelings, exploring them, and then opening up to those around you.

Listen to my interview on The Depression Files podcast below! 


Charles has over twenty-five years of lived experience managing anxiety and major depression. Various mental health podcasts and publications have shared his story. Charles is a featured author on The Good Men Project.

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