The Shek Check Podcast

The Shek Check Podcast Interview

The Story Must Continue

In 2018, I shared my story on The Depression Files podcast for the first time. I was invited as a guest on The Shek Check Podcast the following year. In this second interview, the story evolves. 

Becoming An Advocate

On the Shek Check Podcast, I talked about the new advocacy work I was starting. Most notably, becoming a Peer Support Facilitator with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). 

If 2018 was all about getting comfortable in my skin, then 2019 was about maturing and starting to give back.

The Good Men Project highlighted my writing as a contributing author in the same year.

Serve Others

By studying Buddhism and Yoga, I learned a lot about serving others. In Buddhism, 'bodhisattva' is a Sanskrit word often translated into 'friend of the world.'

I don't have a degree in psychology, and I'm not a social worker, but I have lived experience and a lot of compassion. The goal is to become a friend of the world, a friend to you and those in need.


Charles has over twenty-five years of lived experience managing anxiety and major depression. Various mental health podcasts and publications have shared his story. Charles is a featured author on The Good Men Project.

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