Why a Positive Mindset is Important for Mental Health

Written by Charles MinguezPodcast


Making Friends With Depression

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Why a Positive Mindset is Important

Developing a positive mindset doesn’t mean seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. So, what does it mean?

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Developing a positive mindset doesn’t mean seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It doesn’t mean that we ignore the bad things. Creating a positive mindset means we understand that our view of the world is our choice, so why not choose optimism? Welcome to Making Friends With Depression. 

Hello friends, and welcome back to another edition of Making Friends with Depression. I am your host, Charles Minguez. 

Quickly at the top of the show, I’d like to take care of some housekeeping. Hey, listen. If you enjoy the show, please rate and review it on whatever podcast platform you listen on. It really helps drive the show up the charts. 

You can also support the show by picking up some Making Friends With Depression merch. There are some really cool hoodies, t-shirts, and coffee mugs. Or become a patron for $1 a month. All proceeds go directly to supporting the show and cover the cost of web and podcast hosting. 

You can find links for the merch store and Patreon in the show notes and over at Making Friends With Depression dot com. 

Before we dive into the show, I want to share some background information so you know why I’m doing this podcast and where I’m coming from.

My History With Depression and Mindfulness

My history with depression and mindfulness goes something like this. I’ve lived most of my life with major depression and schizoaffective disorder. I was first diagnosed at 13, and I’m now in my 40’s. So, mental illness and wellness have been a big part of my life.

I have spent over twenty years studying mindfulness. I started with yogic philosophy at the Yoga Life Institute. But over time, I found my way to Buddhism. I’m a practicing Buddhist and sometimes teach beginner meditation classes. 

As my healing progressed, I volunteered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, also known as NAMI, and facilitated meetings for adults experiencing poor mental wellness. 

My story, plus my lived experience, is something that I hope others find inspirational. My motivation, however, is to give back and help others. This podcast is one way that I can do that. 

I Am Not a Therapist

But listen, I’m not a therapist or a counselor. The content on this show is not meant to be taken as medical advice. I’m only trying to inspire hope by sharing my story and the techniques that helped me during my healing process because I think you’ll find them helpful too. 

Why a Positive Mindset is Important for Mental Health

In last week’s episode, I talked about how people just casually throw around the expression, “Just think positive.” For someone living with depression, this phrase can be frustrating. But there’s data showing that cultivating a positive mindset can boost your mental health. 

Today, I want to define positive thinking, talk about some of the health benefits, then share some of the tips that have helped me to develop a positive mind. 

Cultivating a positive mindset isn’t as hard as it sounds, but it does take some effort. I promise you the effort is worth the results. 

What Is Positive Thinking?

So what is positive thinking? It’s important to remember that developing a positive mind doesn’t mean ignoring all the bad things happening in your life. It wouldn’t be very mindful just to sweep things under the carpet because, eventually, they will resurface and be more challenging to work with. 

Positive thinking means flipping the script on what would be negative thoughts. Something that I’ve found helpful when evaluating my thoughts and to flip the script is to ask myself these three questions:

  • Is the thought true?
  • Is the thought helpful?
  • Is the thought kind?

Using mindfulness to help cultivate a positive mindset means practicing taking stock of your thoughts. You have to learn to be objective when examining your mind. Try to observe your thoughts without judgment. Use the three questions: is it true, helpful, and kind to take inventory of your thoughts. Maybe even write them down or say them out loud. 

What are the Health Benefits of Having a Positive Mindset?

When you begin to develop a positive mindset, you’ll notice many health benefits. The benefits include better stress management, lower rates of depression, and even lower risks of heart disease. 

Other benefits you’ll probably see are that your relationship with others improves and that it’s easier to set and keep goals. With a positive mind, you allow for more positive relationships in your life. And with a positive mindset you can easily begin working on and achieving any goals you have. 

All these benefits come about because when you cultivate positive minds, you see many challenging situations as growth opportunities. In Buddhism, we call this transforming obstacles into the path. It simply means that you see experiences like a challenging relationship with a co-worker or even the sickness you’re experiencing as a way to grow. Again, you’re flipping the script on your old negative thought patterns. 

How to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Cultivating a positive mindset isn’t as hard as you might think. There are some quick and easy ways to do so. 

Writing in my gratitude journal is one of my favorite ways to cultivate a positive mindset. I like starting my morning writing session but jotting down five things I’m grateful for. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can write a list of things like hot showers, a cup of coffee, or maybe you got to take a nap. Whatever your most grateful for. 

Other ways to create a positive mindset include getting plenty of rest, remembering to laugh, and limiting your time on social media and other media outlets. Unfortunately, the 24-hour news cycle and social media platforms are littered with negative stories. Why pollute your mind? And if you don’t get enough rest, your mind can become cloudy, and you don’t make the best decisions.

How are You Cultivating a Positive Mind?

So, I shared the three questions I like to ask myself; is it true, helpful, and kind? Plus, I mentioned how I like to use a gratitude journal to help me create a positive mindset. What are you doing to create a positive mind? 

What tips or tricks do you use? What do you find helpful? Let me know by sending me an email to makingfriendswithdepression at gmail dot com

Support the Show

Ok, thanks for being here. I appreciate you listening. If you’d like to learn more about what was discussed in today’s episode, visit my website, Making Friends With Depression. You’ll find today’s show transcript and resources.

If you enjoy the show's content, please consider becoming a Patron for $1 a month. It’s a simple way to support the show. All proceeds go towards the cost of hosting. You’ll find a link in the show notes. 

Thanks again, and until next time friend, many blessings!


Charles has over twenty-five years of lived experience managing anxiety and major depression. Various mental health podcasts and publications have shared his story. Charles is a featured author on The Good Men Project.

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